Environment Management

It is the mission of the Company to conserve and protect natural resources and the environment. Recognising the environmental challenges of the 21st century, the Company is undergoing a comprehensive strategic and operational planning effort to direct and integrate its resources in the most effective and efficient possible
All effluents, emissions and wastes are treated appropriately before being safely disposed in compliance with the environmental regulations laid down by the prescribed statutory authorities.

Stack emissions are monitored on line according to defined frequencies; emission to air is in strict compliance with the provisions of the state and national authorities.

The Company’s manufacturing site has established a safety, environment and health policy, reinforcing the Company’s reputation of strict legal compliance with all applicable national, provincial and local safety, environmental and health (SHE) laws and regulations.

The Company is ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems) and BS OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) certified.

The Company achieved a balance between environment conservation and business growth through water conservation, ambient air quality protection and waste management initiatives.